Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting Back to Normal

Ok, so I know it has been forever since I last posted. I have a good excuse is incredibly difficult and complicated and I have been so busy! But enough with the excuses.....lets talk weight watchers. So I had a terrible week two weeks ago and gained over 2 lbs. I was devestated. Why was I so surprised? I didn't excercise properly, I ate terribly and I still expected to get the results I wanted. Life doesnt work that way. You have to work hard to get anything in this world and why should weight loss be any different? So this past week I buckled down and worked hard. I ate right and worked out and who would have thunk it but I lost 3 lbs! I livin the life and feeling great! What weight watchers says is sooo true...nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

SO what is my advice for you this week/ what did I learn? You have to work hard and it sucks sometimes but nothing in life is easy. You will have set backs and even when they seem absolutely devestating (wink to mom) life goes on. A wise person once told me "everything in life has setbacks its how you deal with them that counts."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whilrwind of happiness.

This past week has been mad chaos. I weighed in last thursday and was thrilled to see that I had lost 3.6 lbs! I was so happy. Then it was off to Evansville for a long weekend of family fun. I went to what is called the Fall Festival; it is one of the largest street festivals in the world and has over a 120 food boothes! I enjoyed engorging myself in deep fried deliciousness. The best part of my weekend by far, however, was when my niece Macie Lu was born on Monday October 13th, 2008. I don't believe I've ever been so happy in my life. There in my arms was 7lbs 10 oz of beautiful baby girl! My sister was a trooper and in good spirits the whole time. I am so proud of her and so thankful for having Macie in my life.
Along with all the fun however, came plenty of take out and fast food runs. I was at the hospital with my sister for most of two and a half days so I had to eat at places that were easy acess. I was worried how these eating habits would affect my next weigh in. I stayed within my points but would that matter when you are eating McDonalds, corn fritters, crabcakes, fried shrimp and Chic-fil-a?
I headed to my meeting and was a little nervous. I stepped on the scale and had lost .8 lbs! I couldn't have been happier. After all of my family fun and craziness my walking and hard work paid off. This has been the best weekend of my life and I will never forget it.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another Week Come and Gone

I completed this week feeling pretty good about myself. I had excercised multiple times and followed my points. So when I went to my meeting and weighed in I was slightly dissapointed in my .4 loss. Yes, it was a loss, but where did I go wrong? What could I have done differently?

So there I sat contemplating my actions on the previous week. I did a good job. Could I have eaten slightly better? Yes, probably. More veggies and fruits the next week. Could I have excercised more? Of course; one or two more days at the gym won't kill me and I'll put it on my to do list for this upcoming week. So where did I go wrong? Then, it dawned on me. I'm going home to see my family next friday and I was hoping to lose 5 lbs in two weeks. You can't rush the weight loss process. Everyone loses at different rates and no one has any control of how much they lose and how fast they lose it. All you can do is follow the program. Stick to it and you will get the results you want. What was I so sad and angry about? I still lost!!!! I shouldn't care if it's .4 or 12.6 as long as that scale goes down I have no right to complain.

Now, what can I do about this for next week? I don't want another .4 week so I needed a game plan. This is a technique I would suggest for everyone who is trying to lose weight. Set weekly goals for yourself and make sure you meet them 100%.
My weekly goals:
1. Eat at least one fruit and veggie at lunch and dinner.
2. Try to work out every day.
3. Try not to use my extra weekly points.
If I can follow these simple goals then hopefully this week will be a bigger jump down on the scale!

What does this mean to you? Let this process take its natural course. You can't rush it all you can do is work your hardest and hope you get the results you want. If you are doing your best and following the rules then the results WILL come in their own time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Very Long Week

This past week seemed to last forever. I felt unmotivated and sloppy. I worked out but not enough. So when Thursday came around (weigh in day) I was feeling nervous. Was I going to lose weight this week? I prayed it wasn't going to be a gain. I stepped on the scale and I did lose. It wasn't much, but it was a loss which is celebrated enthusiastically among fellow W.W. members. I am officially down 25 lbs and I earned my 25 lb award. I was ecstatic!

Later that night I began thinking about my previous week. What did I learn from my long drawn out week? I had been stressed and had a lot to do for my classes. I learned that if you eat the wrong foods, it doesn't really matter how much you work out. You can't lie to the scale. I had to realize again (some things have to be re learned over and over) that even though I can eat whatever I want on the Weight Watchers plan I have to be reasonable. Portion control isn't the only key if you are only eating cookie dough, chips, and anything else that could be terrible for you.

This journey isn't easy but it's one that I have to complete. I don't have any idea how long it's going to take me or how many more ups and downs I'm going to have. All I know is you have to take it one day at a time. This week I'm going to watch what I eat more closely. Be smart and you will reap the benefits.

Don't ever let yourself forget that weight loss is a process. You didn't put on all that weight over night, why should you expect to lose it that quickly? You can do it; baby steps are key!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weight Watchers

When I first made this blog its main purpose was to keep in contact with my family. Then, with the help of my amazing roommate, I decided to dedicate my blogspot to my Weight Watchers experience.

I joined Weight Watchers about 2 months ago after I saw my doctor and she told it to me straight. I am getting closer and closer to becoming diabetic and my health is slowly getting worse. How did I let this happen to myself? I'm 21 years old and I should be living life to the fullest not worrying about whether I'll be around in the years to come. Two days after my doctors appointment I, with my mom and dad's help, became a Weight Watchers member and since have watched my life improve in unthinkable ways.

Weight Watchers has changed my life already and I cannot wait to see what it will do for me in the months to come. I've always been a confident person but with the help of W.W. I am beaming with pride as I proggressively shrink in size. In the past 2 months I have already lost 24.6 lbs and am just beginning the long journey I have ahead of me. I know what you are thinking, "diets don't work." Well, you're right, diets dont work. That is why W.W. isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You aren't going at it alone, you have hundreds of people there to support you and give you advice and tips to help you out. So far, this process is a breeze. I get to eat what I want as long as I write it down. I'm not deprived or hungry at the end of the day. I'm not grumpy or sad or angry; the opposite is true actually as many people have said they already see an amazing change in my spirit as well as my body. I couldn't have accomplished what I have already without W.W.

What I'm trying to stress to those of you out there who are reading this is that it is possible. I have been overweight my whole life and tried all the diets under the sun. I'm lazy most of the time and I'm really busy with school, work and trying to maintain a social life. I get it, you're busy and life is hard. But don't you think it's time to stop with the excuses? Isn't time to take control of your life? It is possible and there are people who can help you. Don't be afraid to talk to people and if you want to, leave a comment with me and maybe I can do something that can help inspire you.

I hope that my journey with Weight Watchers can benefit someone because I'm already reaping the benefits. Life is amazing and I don't want anyone to miss out on a minute of it because they are unhappy with there life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

About me

My name is Annie Boyles. I am from Evansville Indiana and attend Purdue University. I mainly joined this blog because my sister and brother-in-law are expecting my first niece and I wanted to be able to stay in touch while i'm at school.
I'm a junior this year and school is going well, I suppose. I am already wanting to graduate and get a real job. I work at a dining court and am a supervisor there. It is way more stressful than my school work is. I love hanging out with my friends and really likee going to the bars....I just turned 21 this past summer!
I am a HUGE animal lover and wish I could spend every minute of every day with them. I have a guinea pig...he is probably more work than a child sometimes. I love him though even though he is a silly rodent!