Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whilrwind of happiness.

This past week has been mad chaos. I weighed in last thursday and was thrilled to see that I had lost 3.6 lbs! I was so happy. Then it was off to Evansville for a long weekend of family fun. I went to what is called the Fall Festival; it is one of the largest street festivals in the world and has over a 120 food boothes! I enjoyed engorging myself in deep fried deliciousness. The best part of my weekend by far, however, was when my niece Macie Lu was born on Monday October 13th, 2008. I don't believe I've ever been so happy in my life. There in my arms was 7lbs 10 oz of beautiful baby girl! My sister was a trooper and in good spirits the whole time. I am so proud of her and so thankful for having Macie in my life.
Along with all the fun however, came plenty of take out and fast food runs. I was at the hospital with my sister for most of two and a half days so I had to eat at places that were easy acess. I was worried how these eating habits would affect my next weigh in. I stayed within my points but would that matter when you are eating McDonalds, corn fritters, crabcakes, fried shrimp and Chic-fil-a?
I headed to my meeting and was a little nervous. I stepped on the scale and had lost .8 lbs! I couldn't have been happier. After all of my family fun and craziness my walking and hard work paid off. This has been the best weekend of my life and I will never forget it.


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