Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting Back to Normal

Ok, so I know it has been forever since I last posted. I have a good excuse is incredibly difficult and complicated and I have been so busy! But enough with the excuses.....lets talk weight watchers. So I had a terrible week two weeks ago and gained over 2 lbs. I was devestated. Why was I so surprised? I didn't excercise properly, I ate terribly and I still expected to get the results I wanted. Life doesnt work that way. You have to work hard to get anything in this world and why should weight loss be any different? So this past week I buckled down and worked hard. I ate right and worked out and who would have thunk it but I lost 3 lbs! I livin the life and feeling great! What weight watchers says is sooo true...nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

SO what is my advice for you this week/ what did I learn? You have to work hard and it sucks sometimes but nothing in life is easy. You will have set backs and even when they seem absolutely devestating (wink to mom) life goes on. A wise person once told me "everything in life has setbacks its how you deal with them that counts."

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