Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weight Watchers

When I first made this blog its main purpose was to keep in contact with my family. Then, with the help of my amazing roommate, I decided to dedicate my blogspot to my Weight Watchers experience.

I joined Weight Watchers about 2 months ago after I saw my doctor and she told it to me straight. I am getting closer and closer to becoming diabetic and my health is slowly getting worse. How did I let this happen to myself? I'm 21 years old and I should be living life to the fullest not worrying about whether I'll be around in the years to come. Two days after my doctors appointment I, with my mom and dad's help, became a Weight Watchers member and since have watched my life improve in unthinkable ways.

Weight Watchers has changed my life already and I cannot wait to see what it will do for me in the months to come. I've always been a confident person but with the help of W.W. I am beaming with pride as I proggressively shrink in size. In the past 2 months I have already lost 24.6 lbs and am just beginning the long journey I have ahead of me. I know what you are thinking, "diets don't work." Well, you're right, diets dont work. That is why W.W. isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You aren't going at it alone, you have hundreds of people there to support you and give you advice and tips to help you out. So far, this process is a breeze. I get to eat what I want as long as I write it down. I'm not deprived or hungry at the end of the day. I'm not grumpy or sad or angry; the opposite is true actually as many people have said they already see an amazing change in my spirit as well as my body. I couldn't have accomplished what I have already without W.W.

What I'm trying to stress to those of you out there who are reading this is that it is possible. I have been overweight my whole life and tried all the diets under the sun. I'm lazy most of the time and I'm really busy with school, work and trying to maintain a social life. I get it, you're busy and life is hard. But don't you think it's time to stop with the excuses? Isn't time to take control of your life? It is possible and there are people who can help you. Don't be afraid to talk to people and if you want to, leave a comment with me and maybe I can do something that can help inspire you.

I hope that my journey with Weight Watchers can benefit someone because I'm already reaping the benefits. Life is amazing and I don't want anyone to miss out on a minute of it because they are unhappy with there life.


Jill said...

You are an inspiration to me even though I'm not going through the exact same struggles. You are working sooo hard and I'm extremely proud of you... seriously!! :-)

The Mitchell Family said...

I am so proud of you! You should add pictures to document your weight loss. Brian, Macie, and I love you so very much! Keep it up!!